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To use the Songtree Web Studio recommend the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox

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To use the Songtree Web Studio you must be logged in with a valid Songtree account.

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Drop your audio to overdub {{parentName}} create a new song

  Latency correction

Your Browser is not supported.
Please consider using Google Chrome to enable latency correction.

Sounding a little off?

This could be due to your device's latency. Take this quick test to correct any lag times introduced by your system's hardware.

During the test, a series of audio clicks will be emitted.
Make sure your microphone is near your speakers, that your volume is up and that you're in a quiet room before running the test.


Please allow microphone access to start the test.
Thanks for taking the test!

Changes will be applied next time you hit record.

If you're still sounding a little off, try re-taking the test or contacting support

Please allow the Songtree Web Studio to access your computer's microphone.

Delete parent track

Are you sure you want to delete reference to the parent track? Your song will be uploaded as an entirely new song.

Are you sure you want to start a new song?

Are you sure you want to restart? All of your recordings will be deleted.

Watch Out!

Make sure you are wearing headphones or your volume is turned low to avoid feedback.

Get Ready!


start: {{region.start}},
length: {{region.length}}
trim: start - {{region.start_trim}}, end - {{region.end_trim}}
Active effects: {{}}